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Save yourself with Video Games

Posted by Gamer Saggz On 3:09 PM 0 comments

As a child we always hear our parents tell us that video games are no good for us. But recent studies have shown people who have suffered a stroke can recover much faster by playing Wii. By any chance your parents have mentioned that to you while you were younger and have sadly suffered a stroke, nicely rub it in there face that playing video games will actually help them. After a person has had a stroke, there are more likely responed to virtual gaming, and the motions involved while playing will help them better there motor skills and regain there motion. In Canadian studies games such as Mamas Cooking house and Tenis have helped patients regain there motion faster than other tests and studies. In the medicine field doctors are now incorporating more virtual gaming, I guess patients progress faster with fun than having to go through surgery. Even tho this is not an official practise yet,  many doctors and organizations are pushing for it. So the next time you want to skip school, pretend your sick and you will have no choice but to play video games.


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