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Socom 4

Posted by Gamer Saggz On 1:23 PM 0 comments

With the release of Bad Company, Modern Warfare, and MAG Zipper Interactive's has confirmed another big shooter for the fall release of 2010. Socom 4 makes it return, but this time on the PS3. This new game will be doing something new that the series has never done before, creating a story mode. Socom games have been heavily multiplayer based, but never had a story before. The new story mode will still incorporate all the multiplayer game styles; squad based, realistic, tactical and obviously third person. Zipper reported to have working very hard on making this a great story. You play as Ops Commander who is in charge of  a 5 person NATO special forces squad. Right away you learn that the other NATO forces have been annihilated, and you and your team have to go sort this mess out. Your 4 other team members: Schweitzer, Wells, Chung, and Forty-five ( the first girl in the series) have a huge task to accomplish, since Zipper stated this game is no "cakewalk". The story unfolds over a 6 day period, which is broken up into two main acts. Also Zipper stated there will be 14 missions, and this will provide about 12 hours of playtime, and this is amazing compared to the other story modes in other big shooters. The story takes place in South East Asia, but no longer are the battles fought on beaches and forests, but you go through many different cities and destructible environments.
Socom 4 will also deliver graphics and presentation wise, they have incorporated cut scenes that blend in and out of gameplay making for a more believable story. Also there have been some new additions to enhance the gameplay. First of all the AI is just as smart as you, they will use suppressors, they will take cover and try to flank you and if not killed in time they may even drop an air-strike on your head! Finally a brand new addition to this game is the new command mode. This will allow you to give your team instructions for both attacking and movement. While holding down a button a menu screen will pop up giving you a variety of options to choose from. Also command mode is based on real time and you can only perform movements based on what you can see. So far there has nothing been mentioned about the multiplayer other than it will be 32 players online. But so far so great, the story mode seems to be a great addition, and if the multiplayer is any thing like Socom 3, I'm sure it will be an amazing game.


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