Megaman returns with its 10th installment in the series, but this game feels like all the other games. Megaman 10 right off the bat looks like Megaman 9, this 8-bit game follows the same path as its predecessors. As always we have Dr.Wily but with a different take on the story. There are a bunch of mysterious robot attacks going on, a robotic virus called Roboenza, and this time Dr.Wily is not behind it, what? Other than this the game has remained the same with a few additions. The gameplay hasn't changed at all, it actually feels like your playing the first Megaman game. Even tho we only got a few additions, these new ad-dons are fantastic. Time attacks makes it returns, but this time with more depth and more challenging. To go along with Time attack, there is Challenge mode, its Megaman's version to get trophies and achievements, and is a really great addition. The challenges can be set to any difficulty and are clear cut, easy to understand. Finally the best addition is Proto Man, available in Megaman 9 as a DLC, Proto man is a playbale character right from the get go. But Proto Man has his disadvantages, he is much weaker and has balance issues. Overall this 8 level game is a great return to the series, it is much more challenging and just as good as the classics. But for a new comer, the presentation and the graphics won't be that appealing. For any Megaman fan this is a most buy, but for newcomers it may not be there first choice. I rate this game 8/10.
8/10 "GREAT"
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