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Battlefield Bad Company 2 Tips

Posted by Gamer Saggz On 1:46 PM 0 comments

Most of us enjoy Call of Duty, because it's hard for most of us playing as a team. But seriously who doesn't enjoy knifing their own team. But don't let team play scare you from playing Bad Company 2, we have some tips that can help you improve your game. First of all when you enter a game you will be asked to join a squad, or go by yourself, I suggest to join a squad otherwise you will get raped. So stop trying to be the hero! One of the benefits of being on a squad is pin pointing where you will respawn. You can spawn on you other team mate and see how they are holding up, this can be used to help your team push through. Also you can use this to plan sneak attacks, usually snipers would get pwned, but respawning near the back and have your other members spawning on you can give you the upper hand while sniping. Another thing to remember is to have a variety of classes on your squad, this is key to winning. Having a team full of snipers isn`t that great, sure its fun for the first 20 seconds but wait until you get raped. This is also great to gaining experience, healing other people while you are the medic will get the same experience as killing someone. Just remember to stay true to your class, and you can also gain more experience playing as a team. Completing objectives and helping each other out is the best way to gain experience. Also take advantage of destrucable environments, if you have more fire power keep your distance and blow them away. Finally communicate with your team, do this with voice chat and set up targets for your team. You can warn them and help them take down huge vehicles. Hopefully this helps you to play as a team, and maybe not suck, but the most important part is DON`T BE A HERO!


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