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Bioshock 2 Review

Posted by Gamer Saggz On 12:55 PM 0 comments

10 years later, and the rapture is still the place to be. 2k's new edition of bioshock is simply outstanding, even tho the environment hasn't changed much and seems more familiar there are plenty of new additions and tweaks to make the game feel new. This cartoon and colorful art style is beautiful, but does not have the same attention to detail as the first. Bioshock 2 along with its stunning graphics the sound is just as good as ever, the sounds and how the story progresses with you listening while battling are amazing. There are still audio tapes scattered around the map to give you a more inside look to the in depth story. Even tho the story is not as mysterious as before it is more compelling and interesting. Another big change is you are now looking through the eyes of a Big Daddy! You are now teamed up with the strangest couple in gaming history, the little sisters. Along with being the Big Daddy 2k has tweaked with the gameplay, you are now able to use plasmids and your weapon at the same time, and adding a beat down option. There have been much more tweaks made to the game, but the most interesting one is to your plasmids. Upgrading your plasmids as the game progressed change and become much more powerful and sick. Finally the biggest difference from its predecessor, is the addition of the multiplayer. The mulitplayer is now in depth as other games, but this is mode is sure as hell fun. The similar upgrading system to COD, this game plays nicely and is fun with its many game types. The multiplayer is only a bonus to an already fantastic game. If you enjoyed the first game, you most definitely have to get this game, well even if you didn't play the first just buy this game cause it is just flat out awesome. I rate this game, 8.5/10.

8.5/10 "AWESOME"


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